How to apply maintenance to your computer?

By applying good maintenance to your computer you will be giving it a long life and optimal performance, which will allow you to use it when you need it. In general, this process consists of internal and external cleaning of each component, in order to prevent future failures and create a favorable environment.

Maintenance tasks for your computer

A computer is designed to function correctly at all times, but for this it needs certain maintenance tasks so that it continues to work with the same speed and efficiency as the first day.

Many people like to just turn on the computer, enter the username and password, look at the startup porno kurwa screen and start using the programs. But over time it is certain that from so much installing and uninstalling, filling the hard disk with files and using it daily, Windows will be discarded and the components will fill with dust.

It is an unavoidable matter, but it has a simple solution: a good maintenance of your computer. Although there are some automatic tasks that the same system executes, in general most of the actions you must do on your own, although it will not take you long and they are characterized by being simple.

Surely some of the ones that will appear below you will recognize, others perhaps not but they will be very practical to apply during the year. Your computer will thank you and you will notice the changes yourself in no time.

Empty trash

Depending on the files you delete, it is recommended that you empty the trash once a month. Remember to look at the content one last time, to make sure that there is not something important that you will regret once you delete it permanently.

Clean the PC

For your computer to function properly, you need to clean it frequently, so that dirt does not accumulate inside. Although, you have dust filters, this in the end always ends up entering until it is deposited in the internal hardw

In addition, it is always a good idea to keep peripherals, including the mouse, sex kamerki, headphones, mouse pad, keyboard, and monitor in good condition and clean.

Delete temps and caches

It doesn’t hurt to get rid of temporary files and folders that fill up when installing or uninstalling applications. Deleting them once a month will give you more disk space and lighten the system, which in turn will allow your computer to manage actions much faster.

Update operating system

Make sure that your computer’s operating system is updated with the most recent version, as this will ensure that you have the latest security options. In general, older ones tend to be less effective and have a higher risk of being attacked by cybercriminals.

In the case of consumer IT equipment, the ideal would be to leave the updates in automatic mode so that the same system can search, download and install the available version and make the security corrections.

Review installed programs

Even if you install and uninstall programs daily, it is essential that once every 6 months you review what is in your Windows to determine if you can get rid of something that is only taking up unnecessary space.

Scan your hard drive for viruses

Remember to be very careful with the pages you visit, links that you accept and emails that you open, as these may contain Trojans, worms, rootkits, Ransomware, among others.

It is ideal to run a thorough analysis of the hard disk once a month, in search of harmful programs that are affecting the operation of your computer. You can do this with your default antivirus or with an additional one, whichever is easier for you.

Advantages and disadvantages of free software

From the practical perspective of users, there are several advantages and disadvantages of free software. In fact, what makes it so attractive is its economic cost, although often free is not synonymous with quality, so below you will discover the most important aspects of these programs.

What is free software?

Free Software is known as computer programs that allow users to freely customize and modify the source code of their programming, this under the explicit decision and authorization of their authors.

It should be noted that, although several benefits are free, or only cost what is equivalent to distribution. It is not about free software being free, but about free restrictions by copyright and that can be improved according to the tastes of the users. In this way, these programs should not be confused with the so-called Freeware, nor should they be attributed a claim in favor of plagiarism or piracy.

The term was first used by the American Richard Stallman, who founded the Free Software Foundation. Here, several computer experts met who wanted to develop a completely free operating system, called GNU, which would allow users to contribute to its development and improvement in an economic way.

Over the years, this movement was part of the digital and computer culture of the world, with relevant social and political commitments. For example, the best known free software is Linux, a system that is proposed as an alternative to Windows.

Advantages of free software

There are many advantages of free software, since these programs are designed to satisfy all the needs of users. Some of the most relevant are:

  • Accessible: just by using a computer you can have full access to the software.
  • Promotes technological growth: it adapts to any hardware, since the source code is independent. Likewise, it allows its development in groups that work together.
  • Innovative: once you have greater access, there will also be an increase in collaborative technological innovation.
  • Fewer errors: if you have the collaboration of other users and programmers, you will be able to correct errors at an essential speed.
  • Independent: the user has the opportunity to adapt the software to his preference as well as to create his own functions.
  • Low Cost: by having a community that supports the development, the software ends up being an economical option, ultimately impacting the user.
  • Eliminate borders: Due to the great collaboration, this software encourages support with different private companies for the design of a better product.
  • Security and privacy: with having the source code you can be sure that your information will be safe. In addition, it is much easier to obtain and adapts to any need.

Disadvantages of free software

Just as free software has several advantages, some negative aspects can also be observed, such as:

  • Variety of versions: being free, anyone can create the same version, which generates confusion for the user.
  • There is no definition of guarantee: as the software is free, it practically belongs to the community. Therefore, there is no one responsible or a link with the company.
  • It requires technical knowledge: although at present it is a bit simpler and more practical, previously, to use free software, users had to have advanced computer and programming knowledge.
  • Quality control is provided by the community: this can be considered a double-edged sword, because if the community is not active and does not know programming, it will be difficult to solve the errors.
  • Low advertising budget: being inexpensive: free software is characterized by having poor advertising, unlike private software that has a well-established budget.

In general, several advantages and disadvantages of free software can be distinguished, which will depend a lot on the needs of the users and the possibilities that are conferred on them. If you have a low budget and want to modify a program to your preference, this is a very good option.

What is copyright?

Copyright refers to a legal term that describes and determines the power that creators have over their artistic and literary works, such as books, music, paintings, sculptures, technical drawings, advertisements, computer programs, among others.

What is copyright?

Copyright is a set of principles that regulate the economic and moral rights that the law grants to the original creators of scientific, artistic and literary works. These people in turn are the only ones who can obtain various economic, intellectual and material benefits derived from its distribution.

In general, copyright seeks to protect the creativity, imagination and innovation of the creator of a musical composition, editing, painting, map, sculpture, photography, film, choreography, brand name, symbol, computer program, database and software, code, mailer, electronic equipment, blog post, and more.

It should be clarified that copyright protects the forms of expression but not the ideas themselves, that is to say that if you do not carry them out to produce a good or product, they will not be protected with this rule. In addition, originality is always taken into account, so you must be careful with third parties who seek to benefit through illegal copying, plagiarism or dissemination.

Copyright content

There are several rights that belong to the author, as well as to his heirs and to any third party who by assignment has acquired them. Mainly, it encompasses the power to use the works and to authorize their use or reproduction according to various conditions, for example:

Moral Rights: are those that allow the author to obtain benefits and be recognized as the person who created the work. Therefore, these are not transferred, cannot be subject to seizure or complaint and are effective over time.

• Right of Disclosure: authors have the power to decide whether or not to publish their work and also in what form.

• Right of Paternity: the original author can demand recognition as the creator of the work.

• Right of Disclosure: a person has the option of disclosing a work under his real name, under a pseudonym or anonymously without renouncing his authorship.

• Right to Integrity: the power to prevent a person from making any alteration to the work that could harm the reputation and honor of the author.

• Right of Repentance: among the powers of the author is to withdraw the work from the market or modify it after its publication.

• Right of Reproduction: it is the power that an author has to receive financial compensation for the copies made of his work.

• Transformation Rights: the author’s right to authorize obtaining financial compensation for the alterations made to his work, as long as they do not threaten his prestige. For example, translations from one language to another.

What is the purpose of protecting copyright?

Rights are usually protected for a specified period, depending on the nationality of the creator and the work. In general, these will remain untouchable during the author’s life and from his death between 50 and 70 years in the most protectionist countries.

Copyright is very important, as it guarantees that other people do not manage alterations, plagiarism or carry out acts of piracy on an original work.

Protecting them is an essential component for promoting creativity, in addition, compensation and recognition encourage better results and even improve production.

Thanks to the constant improvement of Intellectual Property regulations, authors invest more constantly in the development and worldwide dissemination of their works, and contribute significantly to facilitating access to other people, in order to enrich culture and knowledIt is always prudent to remember that ignorance of the law does not exempt citizens from compliance, in whatever country they are in, since they are designed to maintain order and ensure the rights of all.

What is free software?

Free Software is one that respects the freedom of users and gives them the opportunity to copy, paste, distribute, modify, control and improve the program for free. Therefore, it is being used more every day, since in addition to saving money, it gives you greater autonomy in managing the information you store on your computer or tablet.

Get to know free software

It is known as Free Software to computer programs that allow users access to the source code in which they were manufactured, so that they can customize and distribute it in the way they want. This gives rise to multiple versions of it, whose appearance does not represent a problem of originality or a legal violation of the rights of the creator.

It should be noted that free software can be of all kinds, that is, from operating systems to control the resources of a computer to applications that adapt to the needs of users such as fashion, games, sales, among others. In this way, some of the most popular presentations of this program are:

  • Linux: is a very popular program, which spearheaded the open software effort in 1983.
  • Chrome OS: this operating system is under the development of the company Google Inc, which uses a browser as its main interface.
  • Value-CD: it is a CD with open source software, which was designed by Microsoft Windows and developed in 2008 by Finnish programmers.
  • OpenDisc: another open source program designed to work under the control of Microsoft Windows, created in 2007.
  • Ubuntu: it is characterized by being a completely free Linux distribution, which uses GNOME technology as its virtual environment.

If you are interested in knowing more information about technology and news, in our blog you will find interesting posts already available.

Advantages of free software

Through free software, institutions no longer have to be controlled under a specific program, but rather have the possibility of adapting to multiple versions. In addition, by having the freedom to inspect its operation and the option to modify anything, the user has in their hands full access to their information and therefore, greater security.

In addition to this, this software, since its code is accessible, is subject to the inspection of many people who can obtain solutions to problems and share them with other users, making it potentially more stable.

Free software provides users with computer audits, controls, methods and measures that corroborate that the program performs each of its functions efficiently, complying with the established security requirements. In addition, it ends up being the most economical option, since a direct saving is obtained in licenses, copyrights and use permits.

What are the freedoms of free software?

For a program to be considered free software, it is essential that it provide the user with 4 freedoms, which are previously established as follows:

• Freedom # 0: this refers to the power you have as a user to use the program as you wish, without the obligation to communicate or notify the programmer.

• Freedom # 1: free software should allow you to study the program and its operation, regardless of whether you need to alter it to perform your tasks or not. To do this, you must also have access to the source code, as it is a requirement.

• Freedom # 2: being able to redistribute all the copies you want of the original program, so that the enjoyment of the community is generated, without notifying anyone.

• Freedom # 3: the permission to distribute copies of your modified versions to other people, thus allowing the user community to benefit from the program’s alterations.You can find more articles of this type on our website, with which you will learn everything related to free software and many other interesting topics.